Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Stranglehold of English Lit.

"The Stranglehold of English Lit." is a poem by Felix Mnthali. When I first read this particular poem I found that it reads in a very loud tone. The words are not only short, but sharp as well. The poet chooses to be very direct in every aspect. His message about the hold that English literature has on those in Africa is strong and clear.

When I first read this poem, I immediately felt the intensity behind the words. The one word lines in the first stanza are a great example of this. When I read the poem for the second time I was able to better focus on the matter at hand. I believe that he makes excellent points. Why is this English literature at the center of the education? Where is the literature that reflects the African culture? This is important too, especially to the students that are in fact African. How can it be said that these students are gaining a well rounded formal education? In the end I really enjoyed this poem and it really made me think. I had never even considered this reality before now.

1 comment:

  1. I like your observation that the words are short and sharp. That certainly does add a specific feeling to the poem. I like the questions you come up with: they are the important questions that Mnthali wants answered. In your next Reader Response posting, see if you can follow the series of questions on the website that outlines how to do a reader response, and see if you can go into a little more detail.
