Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Rabbi's Cat by Joann Sfar

Rabbi’s cat by Joann Sfar was a fantastic twist on age old questions. It is sometimes difficult to question traditions and faith without a lot of backlash, but this graphic novel does so with flare. Not only are the issues raised, but the wonderful character of the cat does so in a very different way than I have normally seen. It is out of curiosity that this cat finds himself. The cat also showed the lighter side of things by standing by the Rabbi and Zlabaya even when he was not sure if he agreed. This shows to me his good intentions in the questions he asks. I think this is what I enjoyed most about this graphic novel.
It is not often that I am introduced to new ideas through graphic novels. I think this was what really kept me interested throughout the story. Though at first it was a little difficult for me to follow, once I got into it the story flowed naturally. This experience has not only raised some of my own questions about faith and traditions compared to modernity, but has also peaked my interest in other writing styles.

1 comment:

  1. I like your comment that it is out of curiosity that the cat finds himself. It is nice to see a trickster character like the cat celebrated, as you point out. I'm glad the novel interested you in other types of literature. It's true that there is a bit of a learning curve when you first start out, but once you're used to it, it is highly entertaining.
